severe weather

USD 504 Oswego-Service Valley has 3 storm shelters available in the event of a severe storm or tornado. However, we ask that you please be aware that all 3 shelters are opened by volunteers. When the alerts are broadcasted and sirens sound, the shelters will be open as soon as the volunteers are able to arrive on campus.

Our 3 storm shelter locations are available to the public in the event of a severe storm or tornado during nonschool hours of operation. During the school day, the shelters will be full of students and staff.

  1. Neosho Heights Elementary (NeHi): 100 Oregon - Shelter is located on the northwest corner of the building. Look for the neon "OPEN" sign.
  2. Oswego Jr.-Sr. High School (OJSHS): 1501 Tomahawk Trail - Shelter is located on the southwest corner of the building.
  3. Service Valley Charter Academy (SVCA): 21102 Wallace Road - Shelter is located in the library building directly west of the main building.